Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Equipment For Xbox, PS3, Wii

Whats's up guys it's TacTGhost again. Lets talk about the equipment you need to start a Gaming channel. The first thing you will need just to get your gameplay is a Capture Card. Now you can get these all over the place I  personally got mine from Amazon. This is the cheapest place to get a capture card. For right now all you need about right now is 20 dollars. Which is not a lot of money. I bought this cheap one that comes with a software and it's 5 dollars. It is not HD but it is good enough for now. Here is the link to that Capture Card. Now after you buy that you need double-sided component cables. You can get these at a local RadioShack if not get it at Amazon. The last thing you need to complete it is Splitters. Splitters are the equipment that allows you to play from your TV to you PC. You need 3 of them for all 3 component cables. At RadioShack their like 10.00. At Amazon their One dollar and 2 cents. You can get splitters here. Splitter Link. And once you have all the equipment how to set it up is in this YouTube video. How To Set Up Capture Card. I will come with a next post about computer wise. About the equipment for that.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Welcome To This Blog

Hello, this is TacTGhost. You probably don't know me. I am a person just like you that wants to start a YouTube gaming channel. My channel is not big at all. I want to become big like SeaNanners and Hutch and all other famous YouTube gaming stars. Just like you. This is a blog to help you to get a successful YouTube channel. Now this blog is only for people who wanna Go BIG. What I am trying to say is. There is two ways to becoming a Successful gaming channel. One way is your trying to WIN it. You put a lot of dedication into your channel your on a rigid uploading schedule. The second way is that your barely uploading videos. Your doing it for your friends. Your uploading videos, like once a month. If you do it the second way you will never become have a successful YouTube channel, you won't make it into the Partnership(which I will tell you about in another post), you won't be in the Machinima Partnership(which I will tell you about in another post). This is the blog for the people who choose the first choice.